A Design Company

A Design Company

A Design Company featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


5 Elemente

The design of “5 Elemente” is the result of a project, where the client trusted the design agency with full freedom of expression. The highlight of this design is the Roman character “V”, which depicts the main idea of the product – five types of wine intertwined in a unique blend. The special paper used for the label as well as the strategic placing of all the graphic elements provoke the potential consumer to take the bottle and spin it in their hands, touch it, which certainly makes a deeper impression and renders the design more memorable.

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Onebip one-click mobile payment solution

Onebip one click payment service provides users with the easiest and most intuitive way of paying for their goods and services via the browser or inside an application on their mobile device. The service automatically recognizes the user’s mobile number and charges the purchase to their mobile bill in just one click. Onebip uses an encrypted identification process to immediately recognize the user’s phone number, which provides a secure and automatic authentication, so that the payment process only takes one click. There’s no need for passwords and PIN numbers or other methods.

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Being the most important beer of Peru, Cusqueña wanted to embody their national ADN on their brand and packaging design. The challenge consisted on a thoughtful redesign to express the local Inca identity on every inch of the package. Thus, the logo badge was personalized with a slight detail to resemble the 12 angles stone, a famous piece of the Machu Pichu architecture.

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Dr. Hart

Dr Hart is the own brand of food supplements medicines from Sensiblu, one of the biggest pharmaceutical chains in Romania. The project has been designed from scratch and the visual identity provides a very good visibility for the brand. The main purpose of the packaging design was to create a deep connection between the consumer and the brand - and this thing proved to be possible by bringing into being "the doctor in the house".

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The design is inspired by the translucency and fluidity of watercolour. Water is the main element to bring out the colours in watercolouring technique while for Essence Mask, the essence lies in keeping the skin hydrated and replenished. Brushstrokes of vivid colours were used in the design represents an everyday glamour that one will achieve after using the product. The use of pastel colours helps in giving the product a feminine, soft and attractive identity while keeping the design simple and elegant.

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It was needed to espress the value of the Graffetta Estate trhough an iconic visual that could cross all the four variant of the range, different but with a visible family feeling. The inspiration arrived from the real story of the land: an ancient coral reef. The magpie, representing the present terroir, keep in mouth a coral, representing the ancient reef: the present recognise the value of its past and they both fly together toward future. The concept has been expressed by print technology that exalted the differences also through tactile sensation.

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